Privacy policy
The session cookie - this is the only personal information that is stored here. According to the GDPR, no explicit cookie information needs to be displayed for the session cookie. The purpose of this cookie is to temporarily store the preferred language without any kind of association to the IP address or other details. There are no other cookies here.
Website logs
The web server used (Apache) stores all requests in log files. However, these are only used as a kind of memory in the event of DDoS attacks, so that attacking IP addresses can be temporarily blocked. Log entries older than 24 hours are automatically deleted. The logs are reduced to a minimum, so that no browser or operating system details are logged.
No tracking! No direct integration of other websites. Your data will never be sent to third parties.
If advertising banners were ever to be used here, a non-invasive solution would be implemented that completely avoids external requests. The most important thing is always: you keep full control over your data. Without exception.
Right to disclosure
We do not store any permanent data about you. Nevertheless, you are of course entitled to a right of disclosure in accordance with the GDPR. This is requested in writing. It requires unquestionable proof of your identity and the reference data for which you would like to know whether we have data in this regard. The release of any data requires that it is proven beyond doubt that your reference data is actually directly related to you - for example, that you had a certain IP address in a certain period of time.